Spirituality in photography
We unconsciously take photographs that appeal to our state of mind and to our spiritual need. We might focus on a subject or a colour - for example red if we are feeling out of touch, angry, or in need of grounding. We do this unknowingly, yet with a little insight our photographs will reveal, often through symbology, the hidden messages therein - messages that may have been relevant at the time or relevant now.
If you would like to explore photography in a spiritual way then I suggest that you look back through your albums to find some that are a little special or a little different, and then apply some of the principals that I have used in describing the photographs below.
If you would like to explore photography in a spiritual way then I suggest that you look back through your albums to find some that are a little special or a little different, and then apply some of the principals that I have used in describing the photographs below.

Cats have been our companions since before historical records began.
What is it that you love or hate about them?
Indifference isn't an option.
Do you feel that they can see through you, see your inner thoughts and secrets. Are they friend or foe?
Do you welcome their independence and air of superiority or do they leave you feeling uncomfortable.
If you are one of those who say "I don't like cats" what is it you really mean?
The Beach
A lonely place - nature left to its own devices - where one can wander bare-foot and be undisturbed; where one can sit and contemplate; make plans; reminisce. The cottage in the distance is the link with reality; it provides the feeling of safety that is often missing in very isolated places. This beach would be a good place to travel to during a meditation. It is also the perfect starting point for a story or a poem.
Purple Orchid
This purple orchid, so exquisite; who can seriously believe what science tells us: – that this is a random collection of atoms thrown together without design, for no purpose. In a spiritual sense this flower, like the Ace in the tarot deck, stands for passion in whatever it is you are doing or wish to do. It offers clarity, strength, confidence and determination while keeping you grounded, realistic and focused.
Yellow Tulips
Here is an example of how man can manipulate nature. Very often these cross-bred plants produce little or no pollen for the insects but they bring financial reward for the grower. In a spiritual sense they stand for illusion, hope without reality; belief without knowledge. They represent something that is too good to be true!
Callanish Stone Circle
These standing stones on The Isle of Lewis (Scotland) have one of the strongest energy fields that I have encountered. Visit early in the morning or later after the last tourists have left. Stand with your back pressed against one of the stones and silently ask the question: “what happened here?” Historically very little is known but I had a very strong physical experience when I asked that self-same question.
This peaceful lake with a blue sky overhead, birds flying over the water and trees in the background is a familiar English scene. It is idyllic, timeless, at one with nature. Spiritually, it calms us and gives us time to take a breath, to take stock and to reflect on our emotions. If we are low it may induce a feeling of loneliness; if we are in a good place it may invoke happy memories or plans for the future. If you have a multitude of this type of photograph then ask yourself what emotion do they bring to the fore? If you do become emotional it may help to put your thoughts into words, written or spoken.
Enjoy your photographs and enjoy looking for their spiritual message. I will be posting more photographs from time to time.